Open API

A fully open and extensible system

Open API

Our open, comprehensive APIs are based on web standards, enabling third-party developers to help you fulfil your specific needs.

Illustration of API documentation for BookingStudio
APIs are based on web standards

Enables integration from third-party developers

BookingStudio comes with two open APIs – one tailored for channels and websites and another tailored for writing applications that comply with BookingStudio.


The partners you choose to work with can get access to either or both APIs to help you expand your business. Moreover, you are in full control of each API user’s access to BookingStudio


The ability to extend BookingStudio in your own unique way helps you differentiate your business from your competitors.

Illustration of an API user in BookingStudio
Market place for applications

Benefit from existing apps

Screenshot excerpt of API integrations

Many existing applications integrate with BookingStudio. These are partly developed by BookingStudio and partly by third-party developers. They can be found in BookingStudio Appstore.

There is an ecosystem around BookingStudio with applications, channels and IT-integration specialists. BookingStudio and open APIs ensure that there is always a way.

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